The deadline for all award nominations is Friday, February 28, 2025.  

Rebekah Hoppel Salcedo Rising Star Award
This award is dedicated to the memory of our friend and past president, Rebekah Hoppel Salcedo. AASFAA honors her passion, professionalism, and dedication to student advocacy within the field of financial aid. Nominees for this award should be financial aid administrators, recognized as up-and-coming leaders in the field. The honoree will receive a complimentary conference registration and an invitation to serve on the AASFAA Board as either a Representative at Large or Committee Chairperson.

John Medley Financial Aid Advocacy Award
This award is given to a member who is a strong advocate for students and works to provide opportunities for education through the financial aid process.  This person demonstrates enthusiasm and never-ending support for the students we serve at every opportunity.

Robert Thompson Memorial Leadership Award
This award is given to a member of the Association who has best demonstrated, during the member's financial aid career, leadership qualities such as training and mentoring other association members. They must have demonstrated a commitment to the financial aid profession through mentoring, training, and support of financial aid colleagues over a sustained period of time.

Lifetime Membership
This honor is given to a long-time member of the Association who has served the financial aid community for many years, been a mentor to financial aid professionals, demonstrated extensive knowledge of aid issues, and exemplifies the very best of AASFAA.  Lifetime members receive complimentary membership to the Association in perpetuity, regardless of their association with a dues-paying institution.


AASFAA is pleased to offer limited scholarship opportunities for active members.  We encourage all members to apply as we want to support our members with professional development and networking opportunities.  

AASFAA Conference Scholarship - deadline Friday, February 28, 2025
The annual conference provides financial aid administrators an opportunity to learn and connect with other institutions of all types and sizes. AASFAA is pleased to offer scholarships to the AASFAA Spring 2025 Conference to cover the cost of the conference registration and up to two hotel nights. The scholarship winners must be employed at an AASFAA member institution. 

AASFAA Conference Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Scholarship - deadline Friday, February 28, 2025
AASFAA is pleased to offer one scholarship to the AASFAA Spring 2025 Conference to cover the cost of the conference registration and up to two hotel nights for individuals who have contributed to teaching, programming, or activities aimed at closing equity gaps and promoting inclusion; participated in or led diversity and inclusion efforts through committees, community involvement, or outreach; or shown leadership in developing initiatives that advance equity, diversity, and inclusion goals. The scholarship winner must be employed at an AASFAA member institution. 

Note: Scholarship recipients must adhere to the following conditions upon accepting the scholarship:

  • Recipients must agree to volunteer on the conference committee the following year, and
  • Recipients must submit an exit letter to WASFAA, expressing their gratitude and outlining the top three takeaways from the conference.

2025 AASFAA Training Committee Scholarship Application - deadline Friday, February 28, 2025
AASFAA is pleased to offer five scholarships to help cover the cost of travel expenses for credential training. Scholarship winners must be employed at an AASFAA member institution.

Note: Scholarship recipients must adhere to the following conditions upon accepting the scholarship:

  • Recipients must agree to commit to completing the credential and leading or co-facilitating a training session or conference session, and
  • Recipients must submit an exit letter to WASFAA, expressing their gratitude and outlining the top three takeaways from the training session.

Congratulations to our 2023-24 Award Winners!

John Medley Advocacy Award
Kelly O'Brien, Yavapai College

Robert Thompson Memorial Leadership Award
Amanda Cornelius, Northern Arizona University

Rebekah Hoppel Salcedo Rising Star Award
Josh Edwards, University of Arizona
Brittany Hart, Pima Community College

Honorary Lifetime Member
Ray Ceo, Yavapai College

Go here for a full list of award winners throughout the years.